
Saving your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation as a web page allows you to then post it to the web. PowerPoint is able to retain the presentation's integrity so that viewers on the web are able to see it as though the presentation was being run as normal. The advantage of publishing your presentation to the web like this is that you always have it available to you - provided that you have internet access, of course. The bad news is that PowerPoint 2010 does not have that functionality - boo! However, in Microsoft Office 2010, there is a web versions of PowerPoint, so that may be the reason this functionality has been removed.
Nevertheless, if you have a version of PowerPoint between 2000 and 2007 inclusive, you will be able to save your presentation as a web page.
To save a PowerPoint presentation as a web page, click File > Save As A Web Page. When the Save As dialogue box appears, use the Save In box to navigate to the location of your web server. Don't forget to name your presentation and then click Publish.
The Publish as a Web Page dialog box will appear. Here, you need to make selections to customise how your presentation will be displayed. Under Publish What, select Complete presentation if you want to publish all slides or choose a selection of slides you want to publish. Leave the check next to Display speaker notes if you want them to be available.
In the Browser Support section, select the following:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later ( high fidelity) if you want your presentation to be viewed only in Internet Explorer. This takes full advantage of the presentation and allows you to view in full screen. If you know your audience will be using Internet Explorer then this is the best choice to make. It will, however, work in the Latest version of Netscape. You just can’t do the full screen.) This method of saving usually (or used to!) looks the best.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape 3.0 or later. If some of your audience will be using Netscape (older versions than the newest one), then you should make this your choice.
  • All browsers listed above. This will create larger files but if your audience is using IE or Netscape and file size is not an issue then you can choose this type.
In the File name box, type in the path to where you want to save (on your web server) or click on the Browse button to browse to it.
Click the Web Options button and then click on the drop down next to the Colours box and choose the colours you want for the text and background of the outline. Here the default options are usually sufficient, but modify them to suit your needs. Click OK and then click Publish.
This creates two files. If you called your show "ImprovingEfficiency" then after saving the file you will have created a folder called ImprovingEfficiency_files and a .htm file called ImprovingEfficiency.htm. If you are using FrontPage you can import these files into your web site. Create a link to the ImprovingEfficiency.htm file. When your visitors click on this link it will open up the PowerPoint show.
The show should open up in a browser to preview it.

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