
Saving Microsoft Word documents as web pages used to be all the rage in the 1990s. However, unless you really must do this, this practice is to be avoided. Web pages are created using HTML (Hyper Text Mark Up Language) and you are better off using a tool designed to create HTML. I code HTML using a simple text editor, whereas other people use dedicated coding tools like Dreamweaver.

Microsoft Word Produces Code Bloat

One of the problems of using Microsoft Word to create a web page from your document is that lots of unnecessary code gets generated along with the HTML markup. Much of this code is informational only, as it is commented out. With Word being a Microsoft product, you can bet that the code generated is geared to the non-standard browser that is Internet Explorer, too.
Styles are embedded in the content (bad!), and they are coded clumsily. The "code bloat" is so bad that I took a very simple Word document that was already an unecessarily large 27KB and saved it as a web page. The new HTML file was a staggering 62KB! Don't do it kids.
However, if you really must use Word to create a web page from your document, here is how to do it: click the File tab > Save As, and change the Save as type box to be Web Page (*.htm; *.html). The .htm and .html file extensions indicate HTML markup.
You'll then notice a HTML version of your document in Windows Explorer. Usually, you can see what this web page looks like by double clicking on it, and it will open in your default internet browser.

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